Saturday, October 18, 2014

The town of Spectre

Today - we made the drive to Millbrooke Alabama. We had heard we could possibly gain entry to the old remnants of Spectre (From the film Big Fish). The town was built and left standing on private property on an island off the Alabama River.  The owners gladly let us in and talked with me for a bit.  The Island was used for Jennys house (no longer standing), the town of Spectre, and the enchanted forest. Most of the water scenes were filmed here as well. Today - the only inhabitants are the snakes :(

I really love the film Big Fish - easily in my top 10.  The lessons we learn in life are often too late to fully enjoy.  The town of Spectre is so unique. Does it represent heaven or hell? Are we in a hurry to get somewhere - just to arrive too soon? Do we build our lives to a certain point - only to be leave them behind? In doing so we get to make a choice whether to rebuild those positives or not.  

In the end - I love the message of Father and Son.  It's okay to embellish, to exaggerate, to have fun. I look fondly back at the stories my Father would tell me on our car rides together. Some of which were exaggerated, but that just tells me he really enjoyed those stories!

I often catch myself focusing on the day to day - instead of slowing down and enjoying the days like today!
Weekend Getaways

I made a promise to Natalie that we would get out every weekend and do a family activity. It is important to get to know our new home, and see the fun activities it has to offer. So far we have:
Desoto Caverns
Much like Timpanogos Cave (Without the hike), the cave was fun to walk around and remind us of something in Utah. The park also had rides for the kids and it was extra fun due to the fact that Grandpa Jim and Grandma Maureen were in town.

Historic Civil Rights March Trail

Much like the Pioneers in Utah, this is as historic a part of American History Birmingham has ever been part of. The famous bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church, along with the march to the courthouse that was victim of so many sufferings - This march was eery and a good reminder of how far we have come as a nation in such a short time.

Ikea/Cabbage Patch nursery in Atlanta

My oh my - I could go on and on about how cheesy this was.  We made the 2.5 hour drive into Atlanta a few weeks ago and stayed the night. The next morning we visited the Cabbage Patch Museum/Shop. It took everything possible to keep my composure and let the girls have their fun. We even witnessed Mother Cabbage give birth multiple times (Once she was dilated to 2 leaves apart). The girls loved it and that is what counts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Everything is Falling into Place

After living in hotels for the past 3 weeks, everything is starting to fall into place.

Prior to leaving Utah, with no guarantee of a proper living situation or guarantee of when work would start producing a steady income, I reflected back on some of the hardest times in my life.  I realized that times would get the hardest when I was negative. I made it a goal to remain positive (albeit pessimistic), and NOT get frustrated when things didn't go as planned.

I have made a concerted effort to "put on my big boy pants" and get out of my comfort zone.  To smile and say hello to everyone we pass and is looking back at us. To set an example for our kids to follow. We are going to be asked questions - we already have. Our religious choices are different, our family is different, we talk different etc… The way Natalie and I react and respond is how our children will learn to respond as well.  

I am amazed at how much our children have adapted our mannerisms. I noticed before but this life change has given me the opportunity to spend SO much time with them.  

Keira - Keira is AMAZING! Her intellect on the gospel and humanitarian concern is LIGHT years ahead of mine.  The other day we unknowingly drove through a rougher part of Alabama looking for a flea market. It was unreal and embarrassing. People are living in filth, houses are little more than rubble, and the majority of businesses are Gentleman clubs.  My first thought was "Get out of here". Keiras 1st thought was "How come nobody helps these people? Why don't the rich people share their money so these kids can have nice things?" That was a difficult conversation. 

Andrew - Andrew is a FUN kid. He and Keira have become quite good friends. She said the other day "I'm jealous of Andrews future wife." How Come? "Because he is just so fun ALL the time!" He really is. He is so proud to be at all day school. Everyday we hear how much he loves school and the friends he is making.

Faith - Faith is devastated without her Brother and Sister all day. She sulks for about 1-2 hours after they leave for school in the morning.  She so badly wants to be at school with them. I have grown a special bond with Faith. She is my little Daddy's girl.  She loves putting on my hat, sunglasses, playing football and being sure to get my attention.

Everything really does happen at the time it is suppose to. I know that is hard but every hard challenge I have gone through was for a reason. I have no reason to ever doubt Gods plan for my family. I have enjoyed being able to spend so much time with my family before our lives get turned upside down. We have been blessed with so many individuals that have helped make this happen. 

It appears we will finally have our house. We are set to close on Friday. We will paint over the weekend and our stuff arrives Monday. Just in time because it appears like we will be taking over the 3 Subway stores the following week. 

Like I said before - everything is starting to fall into place!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Photos from our Road Trip

A sample of the road trip with our Dads.

The road trip wasn't that bad…I just wouldn't do it again.

The Positives:

- Spending time with our Dads. 
        It was neat to be able to spend some quality time with our Fathers. It reminded me of cleaning offices with Dad when I was a teenager. We had a chance to "just be" and this will be a time I will look back on and appreciate.

- The view of the Country

       We went through 9 States in 4 days. We saw corn, more corn, and then some more corn. We also saw Gateway Arch in St. Louis. The highlight was visiting Adam-ondi-Ahman again.  This truly is one of my favorite places on this earth.  Watching the kids run around and enjoy the landscape - highlight of the road trip.

The Negatives :

- Wyoming

       Jeep - 4 Rock chips. Honda - One rock chip. Thanks Wyoming.

- Long days = Whiny kids.

      The kids in all truth were awesome.  It was simply a lot of long days. By the time we made it to Alabama, they started rebelling having to get into the car again.

Friday, August 1, 2014

CD Store Nostalgia

While out today school shopping for the kids (On a tax free school clothes and supply weekend!), we came across a used CD Store and stopped in.

There is something nostalgic about browsing through a CD store that is lost in todays digital age.  The instant I started browsing, memories of countless hours from my youth instantly rushed back.

Graywhale CD, Raunch, Heavy Metal Shop…etc

The instant excitement of seeing that familiar art cover and the exhilaration of trying to find the elusive title or bargain. I immediately came across an old NOFX vinyl and the rush was on. I started scouring the shelves for "Must have" c.d's that, in all likelihood, I already have access to on Spotify.

While grounding myself to only browse, I came across a few that are sentimental to me.

The hardest part was the $2.99 bargain bin (or 5 for $5). I came across a couple worthy of my $1, when all the sudden a self titled gem stood out! Nerf Herder, S/T.

A true classic and likely in my top ten albums all time. (Okay…at least top 20)

Although I already have this masterpiece, it truly should never be in a bargain bin…right? Shouldn't I at least pay the $2.99 to simply save this CD the dignity it deserves?

The angel on one shoulder, a devil on the other - ripping at me to make my choice. In the midst of my decision making, Natalie notifies me Andrew is repeatedly perusing the poster display and informs us "he wishes he could (in his lifetime) kiss all the scantily clad ladies in bikinis - EVEN if they had regular clothes on".

It is at that moment I am brought back to reality. Even though $2.99 will likely be spent on a soda, and nothing in the grand scale of life, I am at a point in my life where I do not need to spend $2.99 to obtain a 2nd (or maybe even 3rd) copy of a CD.

Maybe another day… but not today. But thank you for the memories anyway.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Why now? Why Alabama?

Good questions. 

I consider myself a very blessed individual. I have an amazing family that would do anything to help each other succeed. I have a professional career that is unheard of for someone my age.  I feel content with my relationship with my Heavenly Father and yet I do not feel right. 

In fact, I haven't felt right for quite some time.  

I could continue to raise my family status quo, settling for content or I could continue to seek an answer to my unrest. 

This has not been an easy decision.

I can count on one hand the most life altering decisions I have made.  All have involved Natalie, and guidance from the Holy Ghost.  

1.) Rejoining the Church
2.) The heartache and joy of growing a biological family
3.) The heartache and joy of  finding my family 1/2 way across the world
4.) The decision to leave everything my family has ever known, and move to Birmingham Alabama.

When I look back on the adversity I have gone through, I always find a blessing at the end.  
  • Falling away from the Church at a young age, I learned what I didn't want or need in life. I learned what my limits were, and pushed myself to a point I never wanted to return Spiritually and Mentally. 
  • After multiple failed attempts of having a Child, I treasured her so much more once she finally made it through. 
  • The pain of finding out I would likely NEVER have any more kids biologically was heartbreaking….until our hearts were led to adoption. 
  • The brutal 18 months to get Andrew home were unbearable… until Faith entered our lives.

I have quickly learned that when Heavenly Father places an obstacle in my path, rather than complain and feel sorry for myself, I can rejoice in the thought of the treasure I will unearth at the end.

I was inspired to find a different place for our family to grow.  A place where we could come together as one and rely on each other in our darkest moments. 

That would not have happened in Utah. Utah was too easy. Too much support. Too much Love. 

When a job opportunity presented itself in Birmingham, my immediate reaction was "No". Or quite possibly… "Hell No!" (sorry mom). 

But I prayed, and things started to feel good. 

We visited, and things started to feel better.

Natalie had a dream….and things felt perfect. 

Birmingham Alabama was the place for our Family.

I do not know what challenges we will face, but I know there will be many. We will be forced to defend our Family, to defend our Faith, and grow or break because of this decision. This is not a decision we have made lightly, but one we have accepted.

After 4 days alone, I have already seen a difference in Andrew and Faith. They are not stared at. They are not pointed at. They are one like the rest of us. The diversity here is perfect for our family. 

I am sure we will get some negativity, but for now…things have been bliss.
Playing at Oak Mountain State Park Beach

Playing at Oak Mountain State Park Beach

"Faith is something greater than ourselves that enables us to do what we said we will do. To press forward when we are tired or hurt or afraid. To keep going when the challenge seems overwhelming and the course is uncertain." Gordon B. Hinckley

Sweet Home Alabama

That's right! 

We made it! 

In an effort to not only keep others updated of our family adventures, but to also keep a "journal" to look back on. I will attempt…. yes attempt…. to keep frequent posts of our journey on this page.  It will not replace our Facebook photos, or more common ways of communication, but provide a more personal, in depth view of our days. Hope you enjoy.