Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Photos from our Road Trip

A sample of the road trip with our Dads.


The road trip wasn't that bad…I just wouldn't do it again.

The Positives:

- Spending time with our Dads. 
        It was neat to be able to spend some quality time with our Fathers. It reminded me of cleaning offices with Dad when I was a teenager. We had a chance to "just be" and this will be a time I will look back on and appreciate.

- The view of the Country

       We went through 9 States in 4 days. We saw corn, more corn, and then some more corn. We also saw Gateway Arch in St. Louis. The highlight was visiting Adam-ondi-Ahman again.  This truly is one of my favorite places on this earth.  Watching the kids run around and enjoy the landscape - highlight of the road trip.

The Negatives :

- Wyoming

       Jeep - 4 Rock chips. Honda - One rock chip. Thanks Wyoming.

- Long days = Whiny kids.

      The kids in all truth were awesome.  It was simply a lot of long days. By the time we made it to Alabama, they started rebelling having to get into the car again.

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