Saturday, October 18, 2014

The town of Spectre

Today - we made the drive to Millbrooke Alabama. We had heard we could possibly gain entry to the old remnants of Spectre (From the film Big Fish). The town was built and left standing on private property on an island off the Alabama River.  The owners gladly let us in and talked with me for a bit.  The Island was used for Jennys house (no longer standing), the town of Spectre, and the enchanted forest. Most of the water scenes were filmed here as well. Today - the only inhabitants are the snakes :(

I really love the film Big Fish - easily in my top 10.  The lessons we learn in life are often too late to fully enjoy.  The town of Spectre is so unique. Does it represent heaven or hell? Are we in a hurry to get somewhere - just to arrive too soon? Do we build our lives to a certain point - only to be leave them behind? In doing so we get to make a choice whether to rebuild those positives or not.  

In the end - I love the message of Father and Son.  It's okay to embellish, to exaggerate, to have fun. I look fondly back at the stories my Father would tell me on our car rides together. Some of which were exaggerated, but that just tells me he really enjoyed those stories!

I often catch myself focusing on the day to day - instead of slowing down and enjoying the days like today!
Weekend Getaways

I made a promise to Natalie that we would get out every weekend and do a family activity. It is important to get to know our new home, and see the fun activities it has to offer. So far we have:
Desoto Caverns
Much like Timpanogos Cave (Without the hike), the cave was fun to walk around and remind us of something in Utah. The park also had rides for the kids and it was extra fun due to the fact that Grandpa Jim and Grandma Maureen were in town.

Historic Civil Rights March Trail

Much like the Pioneers in Utah, this is as historic a part of American History Birmingham has ever been part of. The famous bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church, along with the march to the courthouse that was victim of so many sufferings - This march was eery and a good reminder of how far we have come as a nation in such a short time.

Ikea/Cabbage Patch nursery in Atlanta

My oh my - I could go on and on about how cheesy this was.  We made the 2.5 hour drive into Atlanta a few weeks ago and stayed the night. The next morning we visited the Cabbage Patch Museum/Shop. It took everything possible to keep my composure and let the girls have their fun. We even witnessed Mother Cabbage give birth multiple times (Once she was dilated to 2 leaves apart). The girls loved it and that is what counts.