Sunday, February 15, 2009

House Hunting 2009

We are anticipating moving into our new home around the same time as the adoption is finalized (November). We know where we are going to live we just have not decided on the builder/floor plan. We are moving into the Daybreak/District area. We will either build into a townhome or buy an existing single family home. There are some great deals right now but we have to wait until atleast September. That is when our Subway investment will be paid off. We have toured multiple floorplans and love the area.

Mom and Dad have been wonderful through everything. They will have no idea what an influence they have been Keira at such a young age. I think Keira will go into shock when we move out.

Little of this, Little of that


Most of you know but some may not - We have been working on adopting a child out of Uganda since August of 2008. Our homestudy was just completed and we are now waiting for Homeland Security to allow us to bring an orphan into the country. This should take around 3 months. Once we are approved by Homeland Security we can start receiving referrals for a child in Uganda. We have requested a child under the age of 2 and they will be healthy based on 3rd world standards. Things are going well up to this point and we pray they will continue to do so.
If all goes according to plan, we will travel to Uganda in November/December (Hopefully) to pick up our little boy. What a Christmas Present!!!
We will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible.